
  Deceit ,  Power , Climate crisis and Talks converge  #1 .   By Pascal   Shuro .     Let's  hold next   climate meetings in Gambia. Climate Action Tracker report  identifies  that all G20 countries are not meeting the  Paris Agreemen t commitments and to my surprise developing countries seem to be the ones that are in line with the 1.5-degree limit .   The greatest question of the day is are we not being falsely  led?  if who should then lead the talks?     “ Code red  “, BBC, Russian Times, CNN identifies the IPCC report Sixth report, but the urgency seems not to be heard loud and clearly. National Determined Contributions were submitted on July 31 to our surprise “the we know better “, seem not to understand and grasp the rage of climate crisis. Yet they speak of genocides but let's read the stats; Bloomberg (2021) identifies that climate change kills more that 5 million people per year. The Size of Botswana and Qatar’s population combined.      Monash University (2021) ment
  Changing the outcome with green bonds. By Pascal Shuro   Climate change according to Bloomberg (2021) is linked to over five million deaths per year, this is shocking and unbelievable. But I challenge you to do the math, sum all deaths in a year caused by climate-related disasters across the globe. The crisis it's so overwhelming and requires a lot, but it is necessary to attend to it. Governments, Quasi-governments, and corporations know what you think concerning green bonds and climate-related projects financing in Africa, it’s unrealistic. With IPCC sixth assessment report accentuating that, a four-degree Celsius increase can cause a heatwave that used to occur once in 10 years to occur nine times in a decade, and once every 50 years would translate to 39.2 times occurrences in ten years. Let's all agree that the climate crisis is the biggest global threat after Novel diseases and terrorism. Tools set up to combat climate change is not good enough. There is a strong need f
  Landing the plane in the uncharted islet: GRI and Integrated Reporting in Zimbabwe. Pascal Shuro Michael Rea says that "By making public every company's compliance with GRI Guidelines, I believe company officials will strive not only to report better but use this information to bring the most important issues to the attention of their boards, and consequently, be more responsible in their business dealings." The Climate crisis has adverse impacts on the local, national, regional and international economies; there is a need for reporting frameworks that can make companies  sustainable. Let's assume you are an investor, which weather-related, social, and  corporate governance risks would you consider when approaching an investment  opportunity? Which reports would use to see the potential of the company?  Corporate governance, financial statements and social responsibility reporting standards have been with us for some time, nonetheless now there is a need for reporti